Category - News

Addressing monkey menace in Nepal

The ongoing issue of the monkey menace in Nepal has sparked debate among policymakers and stakeholders on conflict mitigation.

Some advocate for budget allocation as a solution, thinking funding will reduce the problem. Others suggest alternative farming practices, while some argue that vasectomy procedures for male monkeys could be more effective.

At present, there is no doubt that the common Rhesus Monkeys (also known as the Red Monkey) have become a serious threat to the farmers of Midhills in Nepal. Raiding behavior has forced villagers to migrate.

I covered this story in Ekantipur Daily on June 29, 2023.

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Heading was : बजेट छुट्याएकै भरमा बाँदर आतंक कम हुन्छ ?

Question arises as EIA report claims absence of fish species in Budhigandaki Hydropower project area

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the 81 MW Budhigandaki Hydropower Project claims that there is no any fish in the project area. This has raised concerns among the experts.

The EIA report which was approved by the Ministry of Energy and awaiting approval from the Ministry of Forests and Environment of Nepal is in debate and has created skepticism.

I talked to the experts and they said that given the project’s altitude and temperature range, fish species should be present. They also criticized the study’s methodology saying that insufficient sampling might have led to inaccurate findings.

Experts says that there need a proper measures such as fish ladders should be considered if fish are indeed present.

This story was published in Kantipur Daily on 8th June of 2023 AD. This story was published in Print Version on the Next Day in Kantipur Daily.

News Heading: ८१ मेगावाटको बुढीगण्डकी आयोजना क्षेत्रमा छैनन् माछा ?
News Link :

Rising snake bites in Nepal: A cause for concern

Gobinda Prasad Pokharel

On May 16th, two young brothers, 13-year-old Grish Pahadi and 3-year-old Grishma Pahadi, tragically lost their lives due to snake bites in Dudhauli Municipality-1 Kurthauli of Sindhuli. The snake bit Grish on his left finger and Grishma on his left leg while they were sleeping in their cement block house with a tiled roof.

With the beginning of April, the cases of snakebite have started to increase in Terai and central hilly areas of Nepal. Shukraraj Tropical Hospital in Kathmandu has also seen an increase in snakebite patients over the past month. According to the hospital’s director, Dr. Manisha Rawal, the number of patients is gradually increasing from 1-2 per day to 3–4 per day. On Monday alone, three snakebite patients were being treated at the hospital. Dr. Rawal informed me that patients come from districts surrounding Kathmandu such as Kavre, Bhaktapur, Nuwakot, Dhading, and Gorkha.

Snakebite cases in Nepal are most common from April to October, and experts predict that the number will continue to rise with the onset of summer. Snake researcher Kamal Devkota explains that there are many reasons for the increase in snake bites during these months. Snakes come out when the ground heats up during the summer when it rains during monsoon season and water enters in the holes.  Additionally, this is also the time for planting crops, and snakes come out for breeding in April or May.

Most snakebite cases in Nepal occur in the Terai region. A study lead by Professor Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, rector of the BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, found that out of every 100,000 people in Terai, 261 are bitten by snakes each year, and 22 of them die. Snake bites are most common in rural areas and among farmers and poor people. Studies have shown that snake bites are more likely to occur when sleeping outside the house, going to fields or forests, or sleeping on the floor inside the house.

According to Dr. Sharma’s study, approximately 3,000 people die from snake bites each year in Nepal, with an estimated 37,661 cases occurring annually in 23 districts of Terai. The World Health Organization had previously stated that 20,000 cases of snakebite occur in Nepal each year, with 1,000 deaths resulting from them.

There are currently 84 species of snakes in Nepal, with about 21 being poisonous. Among them, Cobra, Karait, Roussell’s Viper, King Cobra, and Coral Snake (Karkat Naag) are the most venomous.

Read more on the originally published article in Ekantipur on 6th June of 2023.

Queen’s rest of the life in the Zoo

This story is about a Man-Eater tigress that have been rescued in the western part of Nepal in Kanchanpur district. This tigress has killed a 42 years old female while she was cutting fodder near a local canal. The woman was dragged by the tiger at the time of cutting grass. Her body was found in a swampy place on the next day of the attack.

National Park office deployed four elephants in search of the tiger with wildlife technician in order to dart the Man eater. Previously the tiger has also killed a man in Indian Side according to the officials.

The Story of Maharani Tigress was published in Front Page of Kantipur Daily n 24th April of 2024 with my byline

The tiger was later captured and it was taken to the Central Zoo of Nepal. The 5 years old tigress will be kept with a male tiger in the zoo. The male tiger was given name Maharaja, The king. As she will be in the captivity with Maharaja, she was given name Maharani, the Queen.

I wrote this story and was published in Ekantipur online on 23rd April of 2023. Later a print version was published on the 24th April in Kantipur Daily.

The details of the story is in the link :

Lesser Adjutant Storks are Declining in Nepal

Lesser Adjutant Storks of Nepal are declining due to haphazard Land Plotting, Unplanned Urbanization, cutting down of tree species, habitat destruction, etc.
This story is based on a Field Visit to Urlabari Municipality of Province 1 of Nepal. A previous study showed that there used to be 15 colonies but now there are only colonies left in my visit.
I cross-checked the identification done by Dr. Hem bahadur Katwal, he also verify that the current colony number is 2 in this region.
I write the status of these species in Urlabari and acrosss  the country based on previous research studies and recent papers on this farmland bird.
My news report on this species is published in Kantipur Online on 30th October 2022.

प्रकाश प्रदूषण

गोविन्द पोखरेल

हामी सबैको उठ्ने र सुत्ने समय हुन्छ । हामीमा सुत्ने र उठ्नेको रिदम(लय) ‘बायोलोजिकल क्लक’ले मिलाउँछ । यही बायोलोजिकल क्लक प्रकाशको वरीपरी घुमेको हुन्छ । यसको चक्र बिँग्रदा हाम्रो सुत्ने उठ्नेको चक्र प्रभावित हुन्छ । यो चक्रलाई प्रकाशले प्रभाव पार्छ Read More

हिउँ पग्लन थालेसँगै हिमालमा फैलिए वनस्पति

जलवायु परिवर्तनको प्रभाव

गोविन्द पोखरेल

काठमाडौँ — गत साता ग्लोबल चेन्ज बायोलोजी जर्नलमा सगरमाथा लगायत हिमाली क्षेत्रमा बिरुवाहरु फैलिन थालेको एक अनुसन्धानात्मक प्रतिवेदन सार्वजनिक भयो । बेलायतस्थित एक्सिटर विश्वविद्यालयका अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरुले ल्यान्डस्याट भू–उपग्रहको सन् १९९३ देखि २०१८ सम्मको तथ्यांकलाई आधार मानेर गरेको उक्त अनुसन्धानले उच्च हिमाली क्षेत्रमा बिरुवाहरु फैलिन थालेको निष्कर्श निकालेका थिए । Read More

भयानक डढेलोपछि अस्वस्थ्य अस्ट्रेलिया !


गोविन्द पोखरेल

काठमाडौँ — सेप्टेम्बरबाट सुरु भएको डढेलोको कारण अस्ट्रेलियाको जनजीवन प्रभावित भएको छ । हालसम्म दुई दर्जन मानिसहरुले ज्यान गुमाएका छन् भने करिब ५० करोड वन्यजन्तु तथा चराचुरुंगीहरु डढेलोमा परेर मारिएका छन् । अहिले अस्ट्रेलिया अस्वस्थ्य बनेको छ ।

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प्रकृति चिनाउने तिहार

तिहार कस्तो पर्व हो ? काग, कुकुर, गाई, लक्ष्मी, गोरूको पूजा र भाइटीका सम्झेर केके गर्छौं भनेर हामी भन्न सक्छौं  । साथमा देउसी र भैलो खेल्ने कुरा पनि छुटाउँदैनौं  ।

दसैं, तिहारजस्ता चाडपर्वहरू मनाउने तरिका फरक छन् । यी बेला हामीले खाने परिकार पनि फरकफरक छन् ।
चाडपर्वहरू स्कुल छुट्टी हुने भएकाले खुसी मान्नुपर्ने समय मात्रै होइन । सबै धर्म, संस्कृतिमा चाडपर्वका आआफ्नै महत्त्व र बुझ्नैपर्ने सन्देश लुकेका हुन्छन् ।

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हिमनदी बर्सेनि १ मिटरले घट्दै

हिमाली क्षेत्र र तल्लो तटीय क्षेत्रका लागि जोखिम
पग्लने गति बढ्दा भविष्यमा तल्लो तटीय क्षेत्रमा पिउने पानीको उपलब्धता प्रभावित हुने

अब्दुल्लाह मियाँ, गोविन्द पोखरेल

काठमाडौँ — हिमाली क्षेत्रमा पछिल्लोपटक गरिएका अध्ययनहरूले हिमाल र हिमनदी पग्लिने क्रम बढेको देखाएको छ। नेपालका पूर्वदेखि पश्चिमसम्मकै हिमनदीहरूको पग्लने गति बढिरहेको अनुसन्धानकर्ताहरूको निष्कर्ष छ।

‘लाङटाङ हिमनदीको सतह वार्षिक झन्डै १ मिटरले घटिरहेको छ,’ लाङटाङका हिमनदीबारे १० वर्षदेखि अनुसन्धान गर्दै आएका नेदरल्यान्ड्सको उत्रेच विश्वविद्यालयका सह-प्राध्यापक वाल्टर डब्लु इमरजेलले भने, ‘सन् २०१३ देखि प्रत्येक वर्ष १ मिटरको दरले घट्नु भनेको हिमाली क्षेत्र र तल्लो तटीय क्षेत्रका लागि गम्भीर हो।’

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