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दुईवटा टाउको भएको सर्प


गोविन्द पोखरेल

नवलपुर कावासोती नगरपालिकामा दुईवटा टाउको भएको करेत सर्प भेटिएको विषयलाई सरिसृप र उभयचर क्षेत्रमा कार्यरत अनुसन्धानकर्ता र विद्यार्थीहरुले चासोका साथ लिएका छन् । रुपन्देहीका सर्प अनुसन्धानकर्ता कमल देवकोटा र उनको समूहले यस सम्बन्धि थप अध्ययन र विश्लेषण गरेर रेप्टिाइल्स एन्ड एम्बिया जर्नलमा प्रस्तुत गरेको सामग्री यसै साता प्रकाशित भएपछि यो विषय बाहिरिएको हो Read More

Bhaktapur, The City of festival and Culture

Bhaktapur,One of the oldest City of the Nation. It is found that different types of art and architecture are originated from this ancient city. Bhaktapur is home to historical monuments, crafts, religions and temples.

It is also rich in culture and traditional art including different types of festivals. Bhaktapur is the ancient Newa city of nepal.

Bhaktapur Durbar square, Nyatapola, Bhairavnath Temple,Dattaraya Temple is located in this ancient city.

Bhaktapur is also known by city of Festivals and culture of Nepal.Different types of festivals and jatra are celebrated in this City.

Juju Dhau(Newari Curd) is famous here. Many tourist came to visit this palce due to its iconic beauty,culture,traditions and rituals inculding to taste the Curd.

गुणको बदला गुण

कुनै बेला मलाई पनि कसैले सहयोग गरिदिएका कारण म यो अवस्थामा छु  । अहिले त्यही मानवीय नाताले सडक र असहाय बालबालिकाहरूलाई उद्धार गर्न लागिपरेको छु,’ खेमराज पुरीले भने  ।

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The Rolls Royce of King Mahendra

It has now been an attraction for visitors inside the Military Museum

I had heard many things about the Rolls Royce, the luxurious motor. Heard Many things and stories of this motor. It is owned by the elites and the Royals. An ordinary people cannot afford this car. Many clauses are there in order to buy this car. You must have your reputation, prestige and should be inside the ‘Elite Club’ to owe this car.

The Story of Rolls Royce and Maharaja of Alwar, King Jai Singh is widely known and read. In 1920s when the king was disappointed and humiliated  by the salesman of Rolls Royce in his typical Indian appearance.

The King later bought 6 Cars and ordered the municipality to use all those cars for the purpose of transporting and collecting the garbage in the city. Due to this Rolls Royce manufacture was baffled around the world that an Indian King using the car as Garbage Van.

People feel Pride owing Rolls Royce Car during those Days. After the king use for garbage Collection, reputation of brand went down. At last the company sent a letter to the king apologizing their behavior whilst he visited the showroom in London and offered other Cars in Free of Cost. After that letter the king give up and stopped using the car for garbage collection.

Last month I got a chance to visit the Military Museum of Chauni, Kathmandu. I was proud to see the glorious history of Nepal Army and their Contribution in Nation building.The car inside the  Museum Premises will attract to all and is an ionic piece .

The car still looks  brand new and is attractive. Seems like it is ready to start. If King Mahedra was alive he will definately drive this car. It has now been a museum material for public and memorizing the history.

The car was gifted by the Elizabeth II,Queen of England during her Royal Visit to Nepal in 2017 B.S  to the then King of Nepal Mahendra Bir Bikram Shah. The car is Brown(Tan) in color. It looks that the car is provided with full care by its appearance.

Inside the museum, different invention made by Gyanendra Shumsher can be seen. Shumsher is the first scientist of Nepal.


For  more Information of Rolls Royce You can go through the links:

To know about Military Museum have a look on this link

My Birthday

Birthday is celebrated once in a year. I am an exception of this. Because I’ve Three Birthdays in a Year.

It May be a Surprising. But its Real. I’ve 3 birthdays in a Year.

Documents say my date of birth is The August. Lunar Calendar says Maha Sivaratri is my My birthday. But the Date of My birth is the March. I feel happy as I can celebrate three times My Birthday in a Year.

My Actual Date of Birth is 10th of March (26th Falgun) . In papers its 6th of August(22nd Shrawan) and The Maha Sivaratri.


It was Maha Sivaratri During My Birth. According to the Lunar Calender My birth Date is Maha Sivaratri. Sometimes it Falls in February and in March.

Mom Wishes My birthday Twice in a Year. I am not allowed to eat anything outside the house/Room In The Shiva Ratri. My Mom warns me. This year she didn’t give me permission to eat anything during Shiva ratri Outside the House. It is also a kind of Fasting. I feel blessed.

On Falgun 26th Mom used to Put Tika on my Forehead and give Blessing.

This year I Missed that very moment. Todaty She Phoned me early in the Mornings and give me blessings. She is always the first to wish my Birthday. As per her interest I went to The Pashupatinath Temple, worship and give Dan and Dakxinas today.

On my Birthday I used to Plant Trees. Tress numbers according to my age. This year I couldn’t give continuity as I’m Far From My house.

Once Again, Happy Birthday To Me.

जलवायु परिवर्तनका अनुसन्धाता

सूर्यविनायक भक्तपुरका सुदीप ठकुरी ‘जलवायु परिवर्तन र उच्च हिमाली हिमनदी तथा जलस्रोत प्रणाली’ का सम्बन्धमा विद्यावारिधि गर्ने नेपालका एक माक्र व्यत्ति हुन्  । उनको अनुसन्धानबारे गोविन्द पोखरेल लेख्छन्:

इटालीको मिलान विश्वविद्यालयबाट विद्यावारिधि गरेका सुदीप ठकुरीका करिब १ सय ५० रिसर्च वैज्ञानिक जर्नलमा प्रकाशित छन् । उच्च हिमालय क्षेत्रमा जलवायु परिवर्तनसम्बन्धी अनुसन्धानमा सक्रिय ठकुरीका डेढ दर्जन बढी अनुसन्धान विश्वका उच्चकोटिका वैज्ञानिक जर्नलहरूमा प्रकाशित छन् । साइटेसन ५ सय बढी । त्यसैले उनलाई त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय केन्द्रीय वातावरण विज्ञान विभागमा ‘एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर’ नियुक्तिसम्म दिलायो । विद्याभूषण पदकबाट विभूषित ठकुरीले विभिन्न अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संस्थाहरूबाट फेलोसिप पाए । विश्व खाद्य संस्था, यूएनडीपीदेखि डब्लूडब्लूएफजस्ता अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संस्थाहरूमा विज्ञका रूपमा काम गरे ।

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भारत र पाकिस्तान : सैन्य शक्ति कसको कति ?

कश्मिरको भू–भागलाई लिएर दशकौँदेखि आमनेसामने भारत र पाकिस्तानको शत्रुतापूर्ण इतिहास पुरानो छ । सन् १९४७ मा बेलायती उपनिवेशबाट स्वतन्त्र भएसँगै दुई देशबीच कश्मिर मुद्दाका कारण ३ पटक युद्ध भइसकेको छ ।

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सुन्दरी जलमा जे गरियो…(फोटोसहित)

शुक्रबार बिदाको दिन पारेर पूर्वानिर्धारित कार्यतालिका अनुसार सुन्दरी जल क्षेत्र हुँदै शिपुरी राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जभित्र रहेको बाग्मतीको पानीको अवस्थाबारे अनुसन्धान गर्न गएको थिएँ । केश स्टडीका लागि हेडवाटर एसेस्मेन्ट गर्ने टुंगो लगाएका थिएँ ।

बिहानको कक्षा लिएर बत्तिसपुतलीबाट गौशाला हुँदै साथी पदम ढकालसँग सुन्दरी जल जाने गाडी चढियो । करिब डेढ घन्टाको सफरपछि सुन्दरी जल पुगियो ।

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फर्केनन् वैज्ञानिक

देशमा एउटा वर्गको युवा पुस्ता उच्च शिक्षा अध्ययन गर्न युरोप, अमेरिका, अस्ट्रेलिया जान्छ । तीमध्ये अधिकांश उतै जागिर खान्छन् । कति उतै सेटल हुन्छन् । स्वदेश फर्कने कुरै गर्दैनन् । अमेरिका र अस्ट्रेलिया गएका यस्ता युवाको संख्या बढ्दो छ ।

ती मुलुकहरूमा विज्ञान र सूचना प्रविधि क्षेत्रमा दक्षता हासिल गरेका युवाहरू उतै बस्न रुचाउँछन् ।

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